Can You Hydroseed Over Existing Grass Lawn?

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Hydroseeding over existing grass is possible, but it requires prep-work. The existing grass must be mowed as short as possible and the soil should be loosened by raking or aerating. This allows the hydroseed mixture to make good contact with the soil, which is essential for germination.

Grass seeds require soil to germinate. We can spray hydroseed on top of concrete but it won't grow a lush lawn without touching soil (soil contact).

It's also important to note that hydroseeding over existing grass may not be as effective as seeding on bare soil. The existing grass roots compete with the new seeds for water/soil-nutrients.

If the existing grass is in poor condition, the best process is to kill the existing grass and start over.

  1. Till: Fully Till up the current lawn
  2. Soil: Bring in 2-4 inches of new topsoil and till again
  3. Flatten: Roll the soil to prevent a lumpy surface
  4. Rake: Seeding works best after raking since the soil can breath better
  5. Hydroseed! Hire our crew to spray your new lawn
  6. Water: Keep the area wet, watering lightly and often
  7. Wait: As time goes on you can water less often with more water

Soon you will have a gorgeous lawn.