HydroSeed Prep - How to Prepare for a New Lawn

The best case scenario in terms of soil preparation

Think of your new lawn like a fresh garden bed. It needs love!

Remember everything happens on a scale of minimum to perfection. The goal is a beautifully rolled & raked bed of soil so we can evenly spray.

  1. Measure your lawn area. Prices for materials and services are based on amount of square feet.
  2. Kill and Remove all existing plants/weeds/grass form the root systems – exposing your native soil. Eliminate existing vegetation (be sure to read labels carefully when purchasing a herbicide).
  3. Remove debris (rocks, sticks, etc.). Locate any stumps or major obstacles beneath the surface that may damage the tiller or other equipment.
  4. On top of the native soil lay anywhere from 4-6 inches on new, quality topsoil – be consistent throughout – same soil depths throughout hydroseed area
    • Examine the soil. Soil is made up of sand, silt and clay particles.
    • The
    • percentages of these ingredients determine the texture of your soil.
    • Sandy soils let water and air pass readily by and they also dry out very quickly, allowing nutrient levels to be flushed through the soil before they have a chance to do any good.
    • Clay soils transfer water and air very slowly and cause soils to remain soggy while starving the roots of needed oxygen.
    • Adding organic matter will greatly enhance both sand and clay soils.
    • Establish a rough grade. Fill in low spots. Make sure grade slopes away from house, sidewalk, driveway, etc.
  5. Spread soil amendments (decomposed organic matter)
    **Enough organic matter should be added to physically change the texture of the soil to a depth of 5 to 6 inches. About 1-23 organic matter mixed into the top 6 Inches of soil is usually sufficient (3-6 cubic yards per 1,000 square feet). In addition to organic matter it is a good idea to also add lime and a high phosphorus fertilizer at this time.**
  6. Till the soil materials together (old and new) down 5 to 6 inches.
  7. Roll lightly (using water lawn roller half full) and rake (just before seeding to break up any crust that has formed so the seeds have an excellent chance to bond with the soil)and water lightly if ground is very dry.