Transform your lawn into the envy of the neighborhood with this expert guide to lawn care in the Pacific Northwest. As a seasoned hydroseeding expert, I’ll guide you through a comprehensive year-round program to ensure your lawn stays lush, vibrant, and impeccably maintained.

Thatching, aerating, and overseeding are key components of this plan, ensuring your grass remains healthy and robust, no matter the season.


Prepare your equipment for the year ahead by sharpening mower blades and servicing your mower. Avoid walking on grass that is soggy or frozen to prevent damage. This month, focus on planning for the lush lawn of your dreams.


Inspect your lawn for water pooling and address any drainage issues you find. Opt for groundcovers that thrive in wet conditions for problem areas. It’s still too early for mowing, but nature’s own, the birds, will assist in controlling soil grubs. Enjoy the natural cycle at work from your window.


Kick off your lawn’s growth season with an application of organic or slow-release fertilizer. Now is the time to prep for lawn renovation or a new hydroseeded lawn, weather permitting. Thatch removal and aeration are critical if the buildup exceeds half an inch. Address perennial weeds directly and mow on a medium setting if the grass calls for it.


Continue with fertilizing using organic or slow-release options. If the ground is workable, rake and overseed sparse areas, or consider hydroseeding for new lawns. Adopt a regular mowing schedule, never removing more than one-third of the grass height, and let clippings return to the lawn to nourish the soil.


If overseeding wasn’t done in April, now is the time. Check your irrigation system to ensure your lawn gets an inch of water weekly, from rainfall or supplemental watering. Maintain a mowing frequency of every 5-7 days to keep your lawn at optimal health.


Focus on deep, infrequent watering sessions to encourage strong root growth. Adjust watering based on temperature and rainfall, rather than a fixed schedule. Continue grasscycling and adjust mowing to 1-2 times weekly.


Ensure the lawn receives one inch of water weekly, either through deep watering sessions or natural rainfall, allowing for dormancy if you choose by reducing watering to once monthly. Skip fertilization during peak heat and mow regularly to keep weeds at bay.


Maintain watering and mowing routines. Evaluate your lawn for areas requiring fall intervention and consider replacing challenging lawn sections with suitable groundcovers.


Resume fertilizing with organic or slow-release fertilizers as the rains return. Initiate fall renovation efforts, including thatching, aerating, and overseeding. Consider hydroseeding for effective new lawn establishment.


Continue with thatching, aeration, and introduce new sod where necessary. Enhance soil quality with compost, especially in areas low in organic matter. Prepare to shut down irrigation systems and mow as conditions allow.


Apply a winter fertilizer to support turf health through the cold months. Mow if the weather permits, avoiding overly wet or frozen conditions.


If not done in November, apply winter fertilizer to strengthen your lawn against the cold. Clear leaves and debris and then take a well-deserved break. Reflect on the year’s successes and plan for an even greener future.