When is the
Best Time
to HydroSeed!?

Lets look at the data!

Deciding when to HydroSeed can be a difficult decision. We wanted to share our data, to help you decide the best time to seed.

Seasonality of HydroSeeding Jobs over the last 5 years

The chart above shows the number of jobs completed each month for the last 5-years. This data is aggregated between erosion-control and hydroseed jobs. The main pattern that we see is that the number of jobs completed is highest in the spring and fall months.

Behind the scenes we can see that spring jobs are typically home-owner lawns, while fall jobs are typically commercial erosion-control jobs. Erosion control is popular for property development because property developers are usually not allowed to leave open/un-covered dirt on their projects.

Average Seasonality of HydroSeeding Jobs

The chart above shows the average number of jobs completed each month for the last 5-years